Monday, April 22, 2013

Visitors to my Blog

Today I did some checking up on the people that are visiting my blog.  I used three different tools.  One was Flag Counter.  It was in my last post.  Since I have added that gadget to my blog, only people from America from visited my blog.  Including a person from California. 
The next gadget that I used was Feedjit.  I have also blogged about Feedjit.  This gadget I added a while ago, so it has more visitors.  What I thought was very cool, is that I had a different person from California, but also a person from Algeria. 
The last tool that I used to track my visitors is the one that Blogger supplies.  It gives me a very wide assortment of information about the people that visit my blog.  Right now, I am at 740 page views.